Employee Spotlight (1): The Able Woman of the Equipment Technology Department, Ms. Wu Shi Lan: Balancing Strength and Gentleness in Daily Work

Ms. Wu Shi Lan joined our company in 2016, and eight years have flown by in the blink of an eye. Initially, she served as a Chinese-Vietnamese translator in the Equipment Technology Department and is now the assistant to the department manager, translator, and health and safety officer. Since joining the company, she has been diligent and enthusiastic, embodying a spirit of selfless dedication and excelling in her duties. Each year, when nominated for the outstanding worker award, she would ask to give the opportunity to other colleagues. However, due to her remarkable performance, she was awarded the title of outstanding worker in 2020. Notably, in 2023, she was elected as a member of the fourth executive committee of the company union, demonstrating a balance of strength and gentleness in her daily work. She is known as the "Able Woman" of the Equipment Technology Department—Assistant to the Manager, Wu Shi Lan.


Ms. Wu’s daily responsibilities include translating departmental documents, translating at the department’s daily handover meetings, handling office affairs, assisting the manager in arranging and coordinating on-site maintenance work, and ensuring on-site safety supervision. As the only female worker in the maintenance section, wherever there is a broken piece of equipment in the factory, she follows the maintenance team there, leaving her steadfast footprints everywhere.


As a female translator, she could have simply facilitated communication between foreign and Vietnamese employees. However, in the maintenance teams on the over 2-meter high furnace cover and the roughly 20-meter high crane, there is always a petite figure in an orange and grey work uniform and a yellow hard hat, passing tools and water to the maintenance workers, helping tidy up after the work is done, and ensuring the site’s safety and cleanliness before leaving. Watching her agile movements and strong demeanor, one sees the strength and resilience typically attributed to men. We once asked her if she was afraid of such heights. She replied that only by being on-site can she accurately translate, and being on-site also embodies the spirit of team cooperation. This work ethic has earned her the title of "Able Woman," though she humorously prefers to be called " Tough woman."



As a translator, her phone is on 24/7. When there is an emergency repair at night, she answers the call from on-site employees immediately, reports the information to the relevant management, and notifies the necessary technical and on-duty personnel according to the work arrangement. Living more than 10 kilometers from the company, she rushes to the site with the repair team and typically appears on-site within half an hour, fully engaged in the repair work.



As a translator, she has a comprehensive grasp of production equipment terminology. Her dedication to learning is exemplary. She carries a small notebook and pen everywhere, recording not only maintenance details but also new terms she learns. She says she must continually learn and equip herself with knowledge to better serve her work.



As a female worker, she actively participates in the union and serves as an executive member, enthusiastically supporting and participating in various cultural and sports activities for employees.



Ms. Wu's dedication and willingness to contribute have earned her recognition from company leaders and admiration among colleagues, making her a shining example in an otherwise ordinary position.




Conclusion: People often say that no job is more noble or humble than another. The position may be ordinary, but the dedication is extraordinary. Therefore, the company calls on all employees to learn from Ms. Wu Shi Lan. She represents the hard work of many employees in the plant, and it is hoped that everyone will quietly and diligently contribute in their own seemingly mundane, trivial, or even tedious roles, driven by a strong sense of commitment and responsibility to achieve their own value.




(Edited/Translated by Chen Shi Jiang, Administration Department)





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